Archive - News.MN
Result: 20711-20720 Until / Total: 21374

Anti desertification program approved

The Government yesterday approved the first stage of the anti-desertification program. Minister for Nature, Environment and Tourism L.Gansukh was asked

Money distribution begins

The distribution of MNT70,000 to all above 18 years of age has started today. UB citizens with proper documents can

2XL Supercross 2010 Repack

Мото спорт тєрлийн
видео тоглоомуудыг хєгжvvлэн боловсруулж гаргадаг 2XL Games-ийн 2010 онд
гаргасан цоо шинэ 2XL Supercross видео тоглоомыг тоглоом

Circle Dock for XP and Vista Easy and Better

За энгээд анхны мэдээ гээ хийлээ.
Энэ soft таны дэлгэцийг яаг энэ зураг шиг болгон. Байнга ордог хэрэтгэй
програм эсвэл

No milk in school lunch

Following several incidents of food poisoning, the Government has asked schools not to serve milk and other dairy products and