Minister of Finance S.Bayartsogt answers
questions on revisions to the state budget.
The allocation of MNT 1
billion to every Member of
Minister of Finance S.Bayartsogt answers
questions on revisions to the state budget.
The allocation of MNT 1
billion to every Member of
The Government of Mongolia
could soon decide on establishing a joint venture with Russia to
develop a Mongolian uranium deposit, the head
Minerals Ltd has entered into a Heads of Agreement with East Asia Minerals
Corporation to purchase a 100% interest in EAM
Government has decided that after Gashuunsukhait and Shiveekhuren, more border
checkpoints will be kept open for trade movement 24 hours a
than 450 participants attended the “Southern (Gobi)
Region: Investors’ Forum-2010” in Dalanzadgad in Umnugobi province on April 21,
organized jointly by The
This year’s “Discover Mongolia”, the important and
popular annual international investors’ forum, will be held on September 8 to
10, according to
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Саяхан цоо шинээр гарсан The Farm хэмээх Simulator төрлийн тоглоомын
Repack хувилбарыг нь хүргэж байна. Та фермер болж тэжээвэр амьтдаа
Hamsterball нэртэй хэмжээ багатай маш хөөрхөн тоглоомыг хүргэж байна.
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