Єнгєрсєн 2009 онд
vvсгэн байгуулагдсаныхаа 100 жилийн ойн хvрээнд зориулж хамгийн сvvлчийн
Veyron-ийн спорт загвар болох Veyron Grand Sport Sang
Bugatti Concept Cars HQ Wallpapers
Єнгєрсєн 2009 онд
vvсгэн байгуулагдсаныхаа 100 жилийн ойн хvрээнд зориулж хамгийн сvvлчийн
Veyron-ийн спорт загвар болох Veyron Grand Sport Sang
Disney” булангийнхаа шинэ аялалаар алдарт “Tom and Jerry” хүүхэлдэйн
киноны тухай танилцуулж байна.
William Hanna бол Tom, Josepn Barbera бол
a preliminary discussion Parliament on Thursday decided to send back both draft
laws on electoral reforms to the Standing Committee on
The working group
established by the Government to prepare a draft plan to set up a development
bank has finished its work.
An exhibition at the Zanabazar Fine Art Museum
from May 18 to 20 will show the various types of clothes worn
The Government yesterday approved draft proposals on
selecting a management team to restructure the operating procedures of the
Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE).
The Government has set up a committee
to oversee the development of the Sainshand industrial complex under the
leadership of Prime Minister
United Nations agencies and
partner humanitarian organizations on Wednesday requested more than USD 18
million to assist nearly 800,000 people in Mongolia
Some technology companies from countries like South Korea and China
have started to open offices in Mongolia,
focusing on software development rather
A program begun last year is expected to help reform the
business environment in a significant way. It is being jointly