Германы хvнд хєгжмийн хамтлаг болох “Rammstein”
хамтлагийн 1995-аас 2009 онуудад гаргасан зургаан студийн цомгуудад
багтсан дуунуудаас тvvвэрлэн гаргасан “Instrumental” хэмээх
Rammstein – Instrumental 2010
Германы хvнд хєгжмийн хамтлаг болох “Rammstein”
хамтлагийн 1995-аас 2009 онуудад гаргасан зургаан студийн цомгуудад
багтсан дуунуудаас тvvвэрлэн гаргасан “Instrumental” хэмээх
Тєрєл бvрийн
vзэмжтэй, чанар сайтай ханын цаасуудыг сэдэв харгалзахгvй тvvвэрлэн
хvргэдэг Wallpapers Collection цувралын №60 шинэ дугаар тэнгэр хангай
Colectiva Mgazine Issue 01-15 – 2006 оноос анх хэвлэгдэж эхэлсэн
хэдий ч дэлхийн єнцєг булан бvр дэх авъяаслаг артистууд,
Ts. Elbegdorj planted trees in the yard of the 56th kindergarten in
Ulaanbaaaor on Saturday, marking Mongolia”s first Planting Day. He
Premier Wen Jiabao will be visiting Mongolia later this month. His
planned trip during last year’s celebration of the 60th anniversary
civil movements that organized last month’s prolonged anti-Government and
anti-Parliament protests told a news conference on Friday that they would soon
last Friday approved the appointment of D.Dorligjav as Prosecutor General, with
92 percent of MPs accepting his nomination by the President.
The coming
school year will see the same text books being used by secondary school
students all over the country. The Government
Wagner Asia
Equipment, the Caterpillar dealer for Mongolia, has begun two consecutive
apprentice training programs with 30 students in each. The company
The Prime
Minister has made it clear that the Oyu Tolgoi agreement is not an inviolate
template and the decision on Tavan