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Singapore Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister for Defense Teo Chee Hean met defense ministers and senior
officials from Mongolia, Chile and the
The audit report on the 2009 budget has said the wording
of the Government guarantee behind loans
taken from foreign countries was
The general reaction of MPs to the government’s
performance in regard to the economy last year was one of dissatisfaction as
Addressing more than 3,000 young people brought together
by the Ulaanbaatar wing of the MPRP, Prime Minister S.Batbold said citizens
will be
Every district of Ulaanbaatar will
have its own SME business center soon, under a program launched in January.
Apart from providing training
D.Achit-Erdene, President of the Mongolian International Capital Corporation, feels a decision on whether to collaborate with the Hong
Kong or the
Switzerland-based Manas
Petroleum Corp. has planned an upcoming gravity survey to prepare a 300-km
seismic campaign on blocks 13 and 14 in