A group of Mongolian
contortion and gymnastic artists, led by Haliun, has left for South Africa to
perform in various shows in
Contortion and gymnastic artists leave for South Africa
A group of Mongolian
contortion and gymnastic artists, led by Haliun, has left for South Africa to
perform in various shows in
Owners of 61 bars,
nightclubs, restaurants and shops that had their doors sealed by city officials
for working and serving alcohol after
joined several l leaders from the Middle East and Asia
to condemn Israel”s raid on a Turkish aid ship bound for
S.Ganbaatar, President of the Confederation of Trade
Unions, thinks the regular criticism by certain people “at the decision making
level in government”
Khan Bank was one of 5 companies to receive the
President’s award for national productivity for 2009 at a ceremony last
Erdene Resource Development Corp. has said its Zuun Mod
exploration license was recently renewed until May 28, 2011. Erdene has been
Alien Breed:
Impact хэмээх цоо шинээр гарсан тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. 3Rd
Person камераар харан тоглох ба Shooter төрлийн үе давдаг
Bob Came In
Pieces хэмээх цоо шинэхэн адал явдалт, ухаан шаардсан
тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Хэмжээ маш багатай ба үзүүлэлт бага
CS 1.6-ийн World Cup хувилбар буюу
ихэнх гамеруудын тоглодог хувилбар.
Ер нь бусдаасаа илүү гоё. Ихэнх том том монголын тоглоомын газруудад
European Tournament 2010 – Гандболлын спорт
сонирхогчиддоо энэ тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Европын улсуудаар том том
тэмцээнүүдэд оролцожболно. Зураглал тийм