Parliament giving its formal consent to discuss the draft policy on
Tavantolgoi, both party groups in Parliament decided at their regular
Too much about Tavantolgoi is still in the dark
Parliament giving its formal consent to discuss the draft policy on
Tavantolgoi, both party groups in Parliament decided at their regular
decision to allow the renminbi to appreciate against the dollar, even if
gradually, is a major
development in the world financial markets.
The National Statistical Office has published
figures for various sectors. All figures
are for the period January-May 2010, unless otherwise mentioned. All
Petro Matad has resumed operations at its Davsan Tolgoi prospect in
Block XX in Dornod province, after restrictions enforced following an
Hong Kong Exchanges
& Clearing Ltd. has met Mongolian mining companies seeking to list in the
city, according to its Chief Marketing
Mongolia is receiving proposals from
global stock exchanges to assist with turning its state-run stock market into a
private enterprise. D.Sugar, chairman
Бэлэн загвар ашиглаад үнэхээр мундаг
брэнд логотой болно гэвэл арай л болохгүй байх. Тэгэхээр өөрсдөө сэтгээд
өөрийн гараараа урлаж хийвэл
нээлтээ хийж дэлхийн даяар хит болж буй Toy Story 3
хүүхэлдэйн киноны албан ёсны тоглоомынх нь Repack хувилбарыг нь
Super Mario хэмээх баатар нь анх 1981 онд консолууд
дээр гарч байжээ.
Тэр цагаас хойш манайхан Dendi (хужаа компьютер) дээрээ
программ нь одон орон, гариг ертөнцийн нэвтэрхий толь юм. Та
энэ программаар нарны аймгийн бүхий л гаргийн шилжих хөдөлгөөн,