Нэгдсэн Вант Улс
буюу Их Британийн дуу хєгжмийн чаартыг 2010 оны 7-р сарын 4-ний єдрийн
байдлаар тэргvvлж байгаа хамтлаг дуучдын
UK Top 40 Single Charts 2010.07.04
Нэгдсэн Вант Улс
буюу Их Британийн дуу хєгжмийн чаартыг 2010 оны 7-р сарын 4-ний єдрийн
байдлаар тэргvvлж байгаа хамтлаг дуучдын
Жvжигчин Katherine Heigl,
Ashton Kutcher нарын тоглосон “Killers” нэртэй инээдмийн кино 2010 оны
6-р сарын 4-ны єдєр АНУ-д албан ёсны
draft Government proposal on Tavantolgoi, a project expected to be a powerful levers
for Mongolia’s economic development, is all set to
Shinedown –
Diamond Eyes (Boom Lay Boom Lay Boom)
2010 оны 8 сард гарах The Expendables киноны дууг та бүхэнд хүргэж
An agreement to
develop public transportation was signed between the Asian Development Bank and
the Mongolian Government at a ceremony on July
What is Ulaanbaatar
like when the FIFA World Cup matches are shown in pubs and clubs, and in
makeshift places where fans
Foreign journalists reporting
on Naadam events will be charged a fee of USD100. Ordinary tourists can buy daily
tickets for USD25 from
Prime Minister
S.Batbold has said the Government proposes, pending Parliament’s approval, to
give from August 1 every citizen MNT10,000 a month from
Mongolia is seeking investors for a USD10-billion
industrial complex that will meet rising Asian demand for coal and copper from
some of
King of Leighton, the world”s largest contract miner, is so excited about Mongolia that he recently took the entire
board of