Кино урлаг сонирхогчиддоо америкийн
телевизийн продюсер, найруулагч Kevin Tancharoen -ын
уран бүтээл Mortal Kombat Rebirth хэмээх богино
хэмжээний киног толилуулж
Mortal Kombat Rebirth 2010 720p Action Shortfilm
Кино урлаг сонирхогчиддоо америкийн
телевизийн продюсер, найруулагч Kevin Tancharoen -ын
уран бүтээл Mortal Kombat Rebirth хэмээх богино
хэмжээний киног толилуулж
The Ministry of Education,
Culture and Science is planning to bring education standards of Cambridge
University to Mongolia. In the scope of
The State General Prosecutor
D.Dorligjav sent an official letter to the Parliament Speaker D.Demberel on
Thursday. This letter, which demanded dismissals of
Regular spring session of
the Parliament of 2010 took a two-month break on Friday, July 16 which was six
days later than
The Emergency service workers
are working with full readiness because of heavy rainfalls. Even though the
director of Metropolitan Emergency Department Kh.Batbileg
new Banking Law has taken effect on July 1st. According to the new
law, commercial banks must openly announce the names
is surely the most popular food of the people during Naadam. This year, City
Administration issued about 200 licenses to serve
and M.Tsengel who had kidney transplants in 2005 and 2008 will compete in sport
event of people with organ transplants in
the 804th anniversary of Great Mongolian Empire and 89th
anniversary of People’s Revolution, Mongolians living in South Korea celebrated
the national Naadam
Standing Committee on Legislation met yesterday to discuss the issue of
dismissing the director of Anti-Corruption Authority Ch.Sangaragchaa and
vice-director D.Sunduisuren but