The Government has
approved the Bee Hive Program suggested by participants at the meeting in
Ulaanbaatar of Mongolians living and studying abroad,
Bee Hive program to bring qualified Mongolians back home
The Government has
approved the Bee Hive Program suggested by participants at the meeting in
Ulaanbaatar of Mongolians living and studying abroad,
The government
yesterday reviewed the preparatory work so far for establishing the Sainshand industrial
complex and asked Ch.Khurelbaatar, Head of the Cabinet
At a special meeting
yesterday the Government took the formal decision to set up a development bank
and also adopted a set
G. Batsukh, chairman of the Oyu Tolgoi LLC executive
board, has said in an interview that he is well ware of
Coal producer Peabody Energy Corp. has joined forces with
Winsway Coking Coal Holdings Ltd. to form a Mongolian joint venture. The
The National Life Insurance LLC (NLIC) of Mongolia has
signed an MoU with two Mongolian entities, Golomt Bank, and Bodi Daatgal,
Khan Bank, the largest commercial bank in Mongolia, and
South Korea’s state-owned Export Import (EXIM) Bank have signed a loan
agreement to
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