Yuan Ming, head of the political council of the port city of Tianjin in China,
is leading a team of more
Team from Tianjin offers to invest in Mongolia
Yuan Ming, head of the political council of the port city of Tianjin in China,
is leading a team of more
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will
cooperate with the Niigita prefecture on a three-year program to construct
sewage channels in Ulaanbaatar.
The current hot spell may affect growth of cereal and
vegetable plants, according to officials in the Ministry of Food, Agriculture
The regular Government meeting on August 27 will be held
somewhere in the Gobi desert, but the aimag is yet to
Кинонд: 12 настай Dre нь АНУ-ын Detroit хотдоо нилээд
алдаршсан нэгэн байсан бөгөөд ээжийнх нь сүүлчийн карьерын нүүдэл нь
Манай сайтын админар зариман амралтанд зариман ажил төрөл гээд мэдээ
сайн нэмэж чадахгуй байгаа. Тиймээс өнөөдөрөөс эхлээд би цаг заваараа