who wash their cars in the Tuul River will have their license canceled for two
years. The decision was taken as
Two years’ driving license ban for washing cars in Tuul River
who wash their cars in the Tuul River will have their license canceled for two
years. The decision was taken as
General Intelligence Authority (GIA) has defended its arrest of U.Altangadas,
director of administration at the Anti-Corruption Authority (ACA), on July 28.
A colleague and friend of a British man shot dead while
working in Mongolia 13 years ago has accused the country’s
The Keene Sentinel, a newspaper published in
Chesterfield, New Hampshire, USA, reports that this has been a summer of firsts
for Khurelbaatar
Minister S.Bayartsogt feels the present decision to distribute smaller amounts
on a monthly basis will keep inflation in check. He is
Prime Minister S. Batbold has
reassured Mongolians that the free shares they will get in the proposed
Erdenes-Tavantolgoi Company will not be
Last week was a pleasant surprise
for Mongolian-born sumo wrestler Shironoryu, 26, who acquired Japanese
citizenship last year. He found himself among
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Алдарт Bethesda Softworks-ийн бүтээл болох Rogue Warrior
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