Russian Railways Vice President
Vadim Morozov told the recent meeting of Ulaanbaatar Railway that the Russian
government’s decision in 2009 to transfer
UB Railway back posting profits
Russian Railways Vice President
Vadim Morozov told the recent meeting of Ulaanbaatar Railway that the Russian
government’s decision in 2009 to transfer
Australian Senator Bob Brown has
said he wants the country’s government “to clear the air on its role on behalf
of Rio
Speaker D. Demberel is on vacation and Deputy Speaker
G.Batkhuu (DP) is in charge until he returns. Yesterday he chaired a
Ambassador to Russia D.Idevkhten has
said Russia was and will again be “our key partner in foreign trade”, carrying
on a historical
The Mongolian technical vocational
education training system (TVET), organized during the socialist era, broke
down with the transition and does not meet
Prof. S.Enkhbat, Chairman of Nuclear
Energy Agency, has said Mongolia has to take big strides in the field of
nuclear science studies,
main English-language newspaper in the United Arab Emirates, the Gulf News,
wrote recently that sentiment on the major stock
exchanges around the
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