Speaking to traders and buyers at a food market in a
western province, Prime Minister S. Batbold recently said Mongolia would
PM assures prices will remain stable
Speaking to traders and buyers at a food market in a
western province, Prime Minister S. Batbold recently said Mongolia would
The EBRD and Mongolia’s largest bank, Khan Bank, have
signed a participation agreement for USD10 million under the EBRD Medium-Sized
Co-Financing Facility
Petro Matad has provided an update on the company”s
drilling operations. The first 2D seismic survey has commenced on the Blocks
Wrestling, not boxing, is the sport
most people associate with Mongolia but the latter is becoming more and more
popular, thanks in
Khan Resources has said the
Mongolian Nuclear Energy Agency has decided to appeal an Ulaanbaatar court”s
decision that the agency had acted
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 v15.1.0.588
– реклам сурталчилгаа, хэвлэлийн эх бэлтгэл, лого, барилгын зураг
зурах, вектор зураг боловсруулах, зураг засч
оны 1-р сард АНУ-ын Нью Йорк хотноо Gene Simmons, Tommy Thayer, Paul
Stanley, Eric Singer нарын бvрэлдэхvvнтэйгээр анх байгуулагдаж
Хэдхэн хоногийн ємнє Германы поп рок хамтлаг болох “Tokio Hotel”
хамтлагийн “Humanoid City Live” хэмээх амьд цомгийг оруулж байсан
Photoshop программ ашигладаг график дизайнер, сонирхогч, анхлан
суралцагч таны Photoshop программын нэмэлт цэсны цуглуулгыг арвижуулах
гоёмсог Brush-уудыг толилуулж байна.