Director of Professional Monitoring Department of Gobi-Altai province, has said
all artisanal mining in the province has been stopped following clash
Hand mining suspended for now after clash
Director of Professional Monitoring Department of Gobi-Altai province, has said
all artisanal mining in the province has been stopped following clash
called on Prime Minister S.Batbold yesterday to invite him to attend the ritual
hair cutting ceremony on October 3 to formally
Ts.Sedvanchig has regretted the lack of action following his letter to the
Minister for Finance last October, demanding improved practices when
Deputy PM N.Altankhuyag was in Arkhangai province over the weekend, assessing
the status of small and medium enterprises in the countryside.
head of the Department of Neighboring Countries in Mongolia”s Foreign Ministry;
and Yang Yanyi, head of the Asian Affairs Department in
Intec, an information
technology company founded by a woman, has shown a way to thrive in Mongoloa’s
often-chaotic economic environment, says a
The Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science recently
signed a memorandum of understanding with Oyu Tolgoi LLC on providing training
to around
George Lkhagvadorj Tumur, Managing Director of
Australia-based Hunnu Coal which is exploring for coal in Mongolia, has said
that despite mining being
тулаанч эрчүүдийн цугларалт болсон хэмээгдээд буй “The Expendables”
кино Лондон хотноо нээлтээ хийлээ. Холливуудын киноны мангас “Lions
Gate” 80,
Та бүхний сайн мэдэх Мэлхий нинжа буюу Turtles
хүүхэлдэйн киноны 2009 онд гарсан шинэ анги Turtles Forever-ийг хүргэж
байна. Их