Some schools and
kindergartens may reopen late this year as with only a week left for the start
of the new academic
Some schools and kindergartens likely to start late
Some schools and
kindergartens may reopen late this year as with only a week left for the start
of the new academic
A former member of Anod’s Representing
Administrative Board, N.Davaa, told a press conference some time ago that a
major reason why the
Өмнөд Солонгосын нэрт найруулагч John H.Lee-гийн бас нэгэн гайхалтай киног та бүхэндээ хүрэх гэж байна. Өнгөрсөн зургадугаар сарын 16-нд нээлтээ
The Sims 3 тоглодог хүмүүсд зориулан Sims 3-ын албан ёсны object-үүдийн багцыг хүргэж байна. Үүнд шинэ ертөнц, хувцас, үсний засалт,
Зуны хөнгөн атлетикийн олимпын цоо шинээр гарсан тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Уг тоглоомд та гүйлт, харвалт, усанд сэлэлт, зээрэнцэг шидэлт, харайлт
The Ulaanbaatar administration and the Ministry of
Environment and Tourism have chosen Baganuur as the site for a new power plant,
Ts.Jargalsaikhan, advisor at the Foreign Relations Department
of Parliament, has been sentenced to 17 years in prison for passing on through
A delegation of Mongolian MPs, all of them members of the
Standing Committee on the Budget, recently visited Botswana to learn
Prime Minister S.Batbold received earlier this week Wang
Jiarui, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of China
(CPC) Central