Mongolia remains among the 10 least unattractive places
to work in, according to an update of the Fraser Institute”s annual survey
Fraser Institute survey finds Mongolia among 10 least attractive mining areas
Mongolia remains among the 10 least unattractive places
to work in, according to an update of the Fraser Institute”s annual survey
Among those bidding to be chosen to manage and coordinate
the work of the proposed Mongolian Stock Exchange joint venture is
The World Bank and the Mongolian
Government launched an index-based livestock insurance project on a trial basis
in 2005. Its success in
Hot-air balloons set off
from Khustai Nuruu of Tuv province on Friday. The scheduled destination of
Sukhbaatar Square had to be changed
Some secondary schools,
including No.79 of Bayanzurkh, No. 24 of Chingeltei and No. 1 of Sukhbaatar
district, will this year arrange lessons
Some schools and
kindergartens may reopen late this year as with only a week left for the start
of the new academic
A former member of Anod’s Representing
Administrative Board, N.Davaa, told a press conference some time ago that a
major reason why the
Өмнөд Солонгосын нэрт найруулагч John H.Lee-гийн бас нэгэн гайхалтай киног та бүхэндээ хүрэх гэж байна. Өнгөрсөн зургадугаар сарын 16-нд нээлтээ
The Sims 3 тоглодог хүмүүсд зориулан Sims 3-ын албан ёсны object-үүдийн багцыг хүргэж байна. Үүнд шинэ ертөнц, хувцас, үсний засалт,
Зуны хөнгөн атлетикийн олимпын цоо шинээр гарсан тоглоомыг хүргэж байна. Уг тоглоомд та гүйлт, харвалт, усанд сэлэлт, зээрэнцэг шидэлт, харайлт