Archive - News.MN
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Linkin Park – The Catalyst 2010 HD

Америкийн рок хамтлаг “Linkin Park”
єнгєрєгч 7-р сарын 8-ны єдєр єєрсдийн дєрєв дэх студийн шинэ цомог
болох “A Thousand Suns”

Step Up 3 Opening!!! Urgoo Cinema

бvжгийн ертєнцийн нэгэн хэсэг болох Step up киноны vргэлжлэл “STEP UP
3” нээлтээ хийгээд удаагvй байгаа билээ. New york

Regional forum ends

The two-day 19th
annual meeting of the Northeast Asia Economic Forum (NEAEF) concluded on
Friday. More than 100 delegates from Mongolia, Russia,

Mayor calls for better street lights

Some 13,000 street lights
illuminate Ulaanbaatar every night. They are the responsibility of the Electric
Transportation Company and Illumination and Decoration Company,

15th anniversary of bond market observed

The Mongolian Stock Exchange
celebrated on August 27 the 15th anniversary of the country’s first bond sales.
Executive Director R.Sodkhuu congratulated all

Cabinet meets in the Gobi

As scheduled and reported earlier, the Government held its
meeting on Friday at Gashuun Hooloi in Bayandalai soum in Umnugobi Aimag.