The most important event of the start of the new academic
year this morning was President Ts.Elbegdorj teaching a class on
Elbegdorj takes a class as new school year begins
The most important event of the start of the new academic
year this morning was President Ts.Elbegdorj teaching a class on
The latest International Judo Federation ranking retains
Kh. Tsagaanbaatar at the top in the 66-kg category with 1276 points. S.
Miyaragchaa is
Altogether 21 Mongolian financial analysts participated
in a seminar last month on Economic and Financial Analysis of Mining
Developments and Fiscal Regimes
The National Statistical Office has reported that coal
extraction in the first seven months of 2010 was 83% more than in
State Secretary of the Ministry of Mineral Resources and
Energy Khurelbaatar has said that work
on the Asgat silver deposit can begin
The New York Society of Security
Analysts (NYSSA) will hold its first conference on investing in Mongolia on September 23.
Regional experts
Three British participants have
returned home after delivering an ambulance to a hospital in Mongolia, at the
end of the 16,000-km Mongol
The State Property Committee is yet to announce its
choice of the company to restructure and privatize the Mongolian Stock
Exchange, following
Foreign Minister G.
Zandanshatar and Mrs. Kiran Bhatia, Asia-Pacific Regional Advisor for Gender
and Socio-Cultural Research at United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),
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1950-аад оны хоёр Солонгосын дайны дунд үйл явдал өрнөх болно хөгжилтэй