Time deposits earn different rates of interest at
different banks but most of the 12 commercial banks pay the same interest
Banks continue to pay high interest rates, at risk of instability
Time deposits earn different rates of interest at
different banks but most of the 12 commercial banks pay the same interest
Prime Minister
S.Batbold yesterday met with members of the MPRP’s Ulaanbaatar Committee for
the first time since he was elected Chairman of
Minister of Foreign
Affairs G.Zandanshatar has signed a four-year agreement with B.Tsogoo, Director of the National Development
Institute in the Science Academy,
Economic analyst D.Jargalsaikhan feels that there is so
little accurate and certified information about the Tavan Tolgoi deposit that
no proper estimate
Canada is Mongolia’s
second-highest export partner after China, as also the largest foreign investor
in Mongolia’s resource sector, with about 25 firms
Mongolia Mining (earlier known as
Energy Resources), the first Mongolian firm to tap the Hong Kong IPO market,
has already secured several
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