Ulaanbaatar no longer has any theater or cinema house
exclusively for children but Galaxy in Dalanzadgad of Umnugobi aimag is a
Dalanzadgad gets children’s cinema house
Ulaanbaatar no longer has any theater or cinema house
exclusively for children but Galaxy in Dalanzadgad of Umnugobi aimag is a
Reports from aimags indicate the success of the Government plan
to encourage SMEs through grant of bank loans on easy terms.
Some of the party’s MPs answered questions ahead of the 7th
primary conference of the MPRP.
What is special about this primary
The 7th primary conference of the MPRP that began on
Tuesday has fixed the date for the party’s 26th general assembly.
More than 100 business entities participated in a
three-day trade exhibition on apartments in Misheel Expo that ended on Monday.
It was
бvрийн vзэмжтэй, чанар сайтай ханын цаасуудыг сэдэв харгалзахгvй
тvvвэрлэн хvргэдэг Wallpapers Collection цувралын №84 шинэ дугаар нар
ээсэн намрын
The Government has sought the help of Simon Fraser
University in Canada to prepare an appropriate methodology for evaluating the
impact of
Environment Minister L.Gansukh has said the Southern Gobi
region has limited water reserve and several studies will have to be reviewed
In the past few weeks, at least
two long reports have appeared outside Mongolia on how “ultra-nationalists have
emerged from an impoverished
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