A team of meat producers led by the Executive Director of
the Meat Union, M.Lkhachinbal, told the head of the President’s
Russia’s ban on beef import hits meat producers
A team of meat producers led by the Executive Director of
the Meat Union, M.Lkhachinbal, told the head of the President’s
Joseph Deiss, the
president from Switzerland of the 65th session of the UN General Assembly, said
his meeting with Prime Minister S.Batbold
The 13th Annual Investors Conference
in Ulaanbaatar of The North
America-Mongolia Business Council begins on Tuesday evening, and concludes
Thursday evening, September 30.
The Government has asked the
Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs to make a list of orders and decisions
by Ministers, Government
The Millennium Challenge
Account-Mongolia (MCA-M) and
XacBank have signed an agreement to cooperate on joint implementation of a
clean air project to reduce
Twenty Chinese workers, previously reported
missing, have been staying in Mongolia illegally, and will be repatriated soon,
a Chinese diplomat has been
Kh. Otgontuya, wife of Prime Minister S.Batbold, was
among a party of spouses of 31 international leaders whose husbands were busy
Australian miners are set to emerge
with a strong presence in Mongolia. PricewaterhouseCoopers global head of mining Tim Goldsmith, who was
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