The Government yesterday approved the draft 2011 state
budget, the Social Insurance Fund budget, and the Human Development Fund
budget. These will
The 2011 budgets ready to be submitted to Parliament
The Government yesterday approved the draft 2011 state
budget, the Social Insurance Fund budget, and the Human Development Fund
budget. These will
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Minister of Health S.Lambaa answers questions on how the
government plans to pay for medical expenses.
What new system has
the Ministry decided
building where Mongolia’s youthful and engaging Minister for Mining and Energy,
D. Zorigt, sits is being ripped apart inside and put
J. Unenbat, Executive Director of
the Center for the Development of Corporate Governance, which is arranging the
Mongolia: Money and Markets forum
The Foreign Investment and Foreign
Trade Agency (FIFTA) has organized business forums in Helsinki, Finland on
October 6 and in Copenhagen, Denmark
Delegates at the 13th Annual Investors Conference of the
North America-Mongolia Business Council, which began on Tuesday, did not
discuss the usual