The following is the transcript of an interview Prime Minister S. Batbold gave to Charlie Rose, as released by Bloomberg
The following is the transcript of an interview Prime Minister S. Batbold gave to Charlie Rose, as released by Bloomberg
the world’s biggest importer of rare earths, plans to buy more of the minerals
from Mongolia to reduce dependence on China,
Minister told a meeting of some 300 Mongolians in Vancouver on September 30
that he expected them, particularly students, to play
important item on the agenda of Prime Minister S.Batbold’s week-long visit to Canada
was a visit to the Canada-Mongolia Investors” Forum
Governors, administration officials,
and elected citizens” representatives from all provinces last week attended a three-day
training at the National Center of Law
During his recent visit to Mongolia,
U.S. Deputy Secretary for Energy Daniel Poneman delivered an address at the
Mongolian University of Science
after a recent visit to Mongolia, a correspondent says in The Guardian Weekly
that she came to see the proud past
A group of members of the Khan Uul district council from
Ulaanbaatar recently visited the Hamden Government Center in Connecticut, USA,
Английн Премьер Лигийн 7-р тойргийн тоглолтууд амжилттай болж өнгөрлөө. Өчигдөр буюу ням гарагийн шилдэг тоглолт яах аргагүй Лондонгийн дэрби байлаа.