mineral wealth lies under Mongolia”s surface – from its mountainous north to
the Gobi desert in the south. The country”s reserves
Mongolia shows how the world’s economic order is changing
mineral wealth lies under Mongolia”s surface – from its mountainous north to
the Gobi desert in the south. The country”s reserves
President Ts.Elbegdorj has told the Prime Minister of
Finland, Mrs. Mari Kiviniemi, that Mongolia wants to use the latest
technologies from countries
Speaker D. Demberel has asked Parliament to discuss today
the Prosecutor General’s demand for the dismissal of the Chief and the
TOEFL-д бэлтгэгчдэд зориулсан TOEFL-ийн
бүх тестийн цуглуулга. 10,000 орчим хуудас материал, дагалдах
CD-нүүдтэйгээ хамт. Мөн мэдээж key-тайгаа.
1. Barrons TOEFL+ 10
Бизнесийн Англи хэлний сонсдог хичээл текстэйгээ хамт байгаа.
“Nothing on you” дууны дахилт болон “Just the way you are” дууг дуулж
дэлхий даяар нэрд гараад буй 25 настай
“Монголиан мюзик” продакшнаас жил бvр
уламжлал болгон зохион байгуулж ирсэн “UBS music video awards” наадам
энэ жилээс “Mongolian music video
The Chief of the Policy Implementation Coordinating Board
of the Justice Ministry, T.Altangerel, has denied rumors that the international
arbitration council has
Yesterday’s Government meeting raised the special tax on
A-80 auto fuel from MNT150,000 to MNT210,000 per ton and on AI-92 from
The Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education,
Culture and Science yesterday took up the draft law on labor prepared by the