Once one of the poorest nations
on earth, the biggest problem Mongolia will have to face in the near term is
Mongolia upbeat about future, but managing all that wealth is a worry
Once one of the poorest nations
on earth, the biggest problem Mongolia will have to face in the near term is
Ts. Sedvanchig, a DP member of
Parliament from Khuvsgul, has expressed dismay that his proposed amendments to
the law on inviting tender
Davaasuren, General Director of Gan Khiits, told a recent seminar on the
Mongolian industrial scene, that individual sectors in the country
Minister of Finance S. Bayartsogt has said the draft
budget for 2011 may not have a smooth passage in Parliament as
The new gold rush to develop
Mongolia”s resources could make it the world”s fastest-growing economy over the
next five years, according to
President Ts.
Elbdgdorj told a German a delegation led by Peter Ramsauer, Minister of
Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, which called on
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