Petroleum Authority Chairman D.Amarsaikhan recently told citizens
of Zuunbayan in Dornogobi that exploration for petroleum in the area was very
important for
Petroleum refinery certain to come up before 2014
Petroleum Authority Chairman D.Amarsaikhan recently told citizens
of Zuunbayan in Dornogobi that exploration for petroleum in the area was very
important for
The Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry recently met
with representatives of donor organizations and UN agencies and told them
The present status of data and communication protection in relation to national
security was discussed yesterday at a seminar in Government
Census fever has gripped Mongolia. The data collected will be the basis of
state policy and President Ts.Elbegdorj has reminded all
The State Prosecutor General’s Office has notified that it will conduct a fresh
investigation into issues relating to public disorder on
refused to buy USD5.5 million offered for sale by commercial banks at the
weekly currency auction sale last week. Its explanation
Энэхүү жижигхэн, хөгжилтэй, хүүхдийн тоглоом шиг зүйлийг “Mactini”гэдэг.
Бичлэгэн дээрээс нь
үзэхэд уг эд маань зөөврийн жижиг computer шиг
Британий дуу хөгжмийн чартыг тэргүүлж байгаа хамтлаг дуучдын Топ 40
Синглийн шинэхэн багцыг та бvхэндээ татаж авахаар хүргэж байна.
7 үйлдлийн системийг UNDEADCROWS видео тоглоом сонирхогчдод зориулан
засаж, өөрчилсөн хувилбарыг хүргэж байна (64 bits). Windows 7 Gamer
маш хачирхалтай сансар, огторгуй, ертөнцөөр аялан нисэж, дайснуудтай
тулалдаж анд, найз нөхдөө авран хамгаалж, улмаар бонус оноо цуглуулах