The case of the Russian locomotive gets more and more curious. Russian media report two were sold to Ulaanbaatar Railway
The case of the Russian locomotive gets more and more curious. Russian media report two were sold to Ulaanbaatar Railway
The Government meeting yesterday decided to suspend the mining activity of 1,782 license holders in areas near river basins and
The Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy will take over 7736.1 hectares of land in the Oyutolgoi area, 3661.3 hectares
The Mongolian Embassy in Cairo organized Id celebrations for Kazakhs from Bayan-Ulgii and Uvs aimags and also from Nalaikh district
With nations scouring the globe in pursuit of dwindling mineral supplies, the world”s attention has shifted to Mongolia, a country
Mongol Bank officials have said that a part of its foreign currency reserve is always in the form of gold.
Mongolia will lease 10,000 hectares of land in Laos to grow rice, according to a decision taken at the last
The World Bank Group has welcomed a decision to allocate Mongolia,
Ethiopia, and Niger a total of USD97 million in
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has revealed that Mongolia received USD29 million as a non-repayable grant from the
Minister of Education, Culture and Science Yo.Otgonbayar answers questions relating to UNESCO including in its heritage list three Mongolian items.