Archive - News.MN
Result: 17621-17630 Until / Total: 21363

Selbe river to be cleaned

Mayor G.Munkhbayar has signed a cooperation agreement  with the Social Democracy Youth Union of
Mongolia to implement a program to clean

Fee parking working well

parking was introduced in Ulaanbaatar on December 3. The three areas chosen are
the Khangarid palace, the State Drama Theater, and

Camera catches traffic offenders

breaking traffic rules are being charged with evidence supplied by street
cameras. This is a change from the traditional way of

Animal census begins this week

year’s animal census will include, loke last year, apart from the five major
animals – sheep, goats, camels, horses, and cattle

Minister refutes MPs’ claim

Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, D.Zorigt,
answers some MPs’ concern that the 34% share of Mongolia in Oyutolgoi LLC is

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