This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of
diplomatic relations between South Korea and Mongolia.
A friendship concert was
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of
diplomatic relations between South Korea and Mongolia.
A friendship concert was
The 20th anniversary celebrations of the
Democratic Revolution came to a close on Friday with a special meeting in
Government House attended
Parliament decided on December 10 to set up a working group to further
discuss the law draft on notary submitted by
Prime Minister S.Batbold’s
official visit to Russia begins today. It is expected to reach some significant
decisions, over which detailed negotiations have
Speaker D.Demberel and the Parliamentary
team he is leading to India last week called on the Speaker of the Lower
Chamber of
Uranium exploration in Mongolia was under the coal and oil exploration
program until 1960 when geologists from the Soviet Union took
уур амьсгал, утаа тортогтой агаар, их хотын нvргээнт амьдрал гээд л
таныг ядрааж, стресст оруулах зvйлс мундахгvй их байгаа
бvрийн хvсэн хvлээдэг шинэ жилийн баярын уур амьсгал хэдийнээ ороод
эхэлчихсэн байгаа энэ vед хэрэглэгчиддээ шинэ жил, крисмасын баяртай
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videos pack” цувралын маань шинэ дугаар чамгvй удаан хугацаагаар