A National Committee headed by Deputy Prime Minister
M.Enkhbold has begun preparations for the observance of the 100th
anniversary of national independence
Year of 100th anniversary of national independence begins
A National Committee headed by Deputy Prime Minister
M.Enkhbold has begun preparations for the observance of the 100th
anniversary of national independence
plan to construct 1,100 km of railroad to connect Dalanzadgad, capital of the
southernmost Omnogovi province to Choibalsan in Dornod province
The Ulaanbaatar
Mayor’s Office recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the
Millennium Challenge Account Mongolia (MCAM) on a highway project
Japan and Mongolia will be jointly
developing lithium projects starting in 2011, according to the Nikkei. The
Japanese newspaper reported recently that
Asia Foundation has launched a new environment program called “Engaging
Stakeholders for Environmental Conservation” (ESEC). This three-year program will engage
stakeholders and
The hottest currency play of 2010 may have been for one of Asia’s
least-recognized currencies: the Mongolian togrog, says a Wall
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