The new building has 11 floors and a total of 16 reading rooms which is able to serve 530 people at the same time.
The new building has 11 floors and a total of 16 reading rooms which is able to serve 530 people at the same time.
In women’s category, D.Tsolmon has won the athlete from Hong Kong with a score of 13:10 and qualified for the bronze medal of the Asian Championship.
National Children’s and youth theater was established in 1968 and was privatized in 1997. After 27 years, the theater has
Speaker of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Nurlanbek Shakiev is paying an official visit to Mongolia on April 23-25 at the inivitation of Chairman of the Parliament of Mongolia G.Zandanshatar.
Mongolian judokas are ranked second in the team following Japanese team. Today, Mongolian team will match against Taiwan.
“Mongolia-An oasis of democracy” international conference, which is jointly organized by Democratic party of Mongolia and International democratic union, will
The Mongolian team was full of success on the first day of the competition.
He decided to travel 14,000 km from Ulaanbaatar to Manchester by bicycle to watch the game of his beloved team.
At the regular session of the Cabinet on April 19, National Wealth Fund Law was approved.
Grants named after the Minister of Environment and Tourism was started to given best students from this field 2 years ago.