MPP caucus chairman U.Enkhtuvshin said a draft election law needs to be passed, so the MPP caucus decided to accept the DP caucus’s proposal. He said the people have been waiting a long time for election reform, and the MPP did not want to be responsible for further delays.
The MPP and the DP originally agreed to amend the election law when the two parties established the coalition government. “We should honor that agreement,” said U.Enkhtuvshin. Therefore, the MPP caucus accepted the DP’s proposal of 26 electoral districts with 48 mandates.
U.Enkhtuvshin explained that 14 mandates will be located in Ulaanbaatar because of the city’s population growth, and 34 will be located in local settlements. The draft election law could be passed this month if neither caucus proposes any more changes.
U.Enkhtuvshin said that the two parties have agreed with each other, and that the principle issues of the draft election law have been decided. He said the MPP caucus resolved to discuss the draft and pass it by the middle of November.
He also added that there will be a fifteen percent quota of women elected.