The Director of Consulate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Mongolia led the Mongolian delegation, while the Director of Consulate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan led the Kazakh delegation.
The diplomats exchanged opinions on the two countries’ relations, cooperation, present state of consular relations, and further plans for cooperation. They also concluded implementation of previous consultative meeting agreements and discussed widening cooperation.
The delegates also discussed issues surrounding dual citizenship. They proposed making it easier for citizens to give up their citizenship in one country while protecting the rights of Mongolian and Kazakh people, and they agreed to regularly exchange information to decrease problems with dual-citizenship issues. The delegates decided to form a Mongolia-Kazakhstan working group to consider dual citizenship issues.
The two sides also shared opinions on the exchange of prisoners and agreed to negotiate an agreement on the mutual recognition of diplomas. The two sides also agreed to support direct flights between the two countries.