S.Oyun proposes 30 percent quota for women in Parliament - News.MN

S.Oyun proposes 30 percent quota for women in Parliament

Old News! Published on: 2011.11.01

S.Oyun proposes 30 percent quota for women in Parliament

MPs have been discussing a draft election law for a long time, but so far the issue of quotas for women in Parliament has not been addressed. MP S.Oyun answered our correspondent’s questions about this issue.

Q: The MPP and DP caucuses at Parliament are negotiating a new election structure, but so far a quota for women has not been discussed. Are you working on this issue?

A: MP D.Enkhbat of the CW-GP is on a draft election law working group and he and I are going to deliver suggestions to the group. Also, women from different political parties will take part in a meeting of the working group and state our opinions. People are suggesting a women’s quota for the draft election law and I will propose a 30 percent quota for women in Parliament.

Q: Will a 30-percent quota be approved?

A: If 30 percent is not approved, I will resubmit a proposal for 25 or 20 percent. After approval of 25 or 20 percent, I will consider submitting a proposal for 30 percent for the 2016 election. I hope a women’s quota will be approved and I thank the press for its attention to the issue. Unfortunately, male MPs do not understand the situation.

Q: Are the three women MPs working jointly on the issue?

A: The women MPs and women’s organizations of the political parties that have seats in Parliament have organized several meetings. We have a united position and we will present our position to the working group, the MPP and DP caucuses, standing committees, and Parliament.

Q: Some male MPs have said that women who have political ambitions raise the quota issue but that most people have a different opinion. What do you say to them?

A: MPs who say things like that are out of touch with contemporary world trends and do not understand the unequal competition [that women politicians face]. Ninety countries include a women’s quota in their constitution, election law, or law on political parties. Mongolia is listed at the bottom of 100 countries when it comes to women’s participation in politics.

Q: Could you explain what would result from a women’s quota?

A: For example, decisions about families, schools, and hospitals would meet women’s interests. That is why we have goals to increase women’s participation in politics. Men can better decide some issues while women can better decide other issues. We all have our own priorities. Men talk about macroeconomic issues such as energy and mining. Certainly that is right and needed for Mongolia. But women could better decide issues in social welfare, the health insurance structure and service, and assisting vulnerable people. Poverty has not been reduced in Mongolia while we talk about large investments and development. The country’s problems should not be decided by a group that is 95 percent male. It is one-sided.

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