Vice Speaker of Parliament N.Enkhbold answers questions on the present political and economic situation.
When will Parliament discuss the budget revision? There are also two draft amendments to the Parliament election law. Will Parliament be able to discuss them in the presdent session?
We are waiting for the Government to present the budget revision. It has already submitted several drafts including those on Tavantolgoi and the Railway. About the election law drafts, maybe both will be discussed together in the Standing Committees as often happens with drafts with a similar intent.
Both drafts favor the proportional system?
Yes, they differ on specifics, but their main concept is similar. I think it likely that despite some opposition the proportional system will be supported this time.
I believe that support for a change in the election law is widespread.
is the consensus after our 20 years’ experience of elections. I have no doubt that the political system is hindering our economic development. The election system is one of the many areas that need reforms. I have always supported the proportional system and still do.
Will we have fair elections then?
Both systems have some good and some bad elements but the proportional system will be better in Mongolian conditions today.
How true is the concern that people close to the Party leaders will get preference?
There are ways to make sure this does not happen. No leader will decide a party’s list of candidates all by himself. They will be selected by a board or at a general meeting. It is not right for a party that got 40 percent of the popular vote to end up with three seats and another that got 50 percent having 70 seats in Parliament.
What about the basis percentage necessary for a party to have an MP?
Discussions on this are just beginning.
How did you get to represent
I was in
How is the situation in
It is difficult. The core of the leadership is gone.
Who else did you meet there?
There was not much cope to meet other world leaders but I offered my condolences to Polish leaders and the late President’s family.