Ts.Tsengel: No jobs for students returning home
He said citizens asked about the Tavantolgoi shares issue and also criticized the education sector. Countryside citizens complained about the fact that many students who go to the capital to study can’t find jobs when they return home. Parents also complained of high tuition fees and said they have a negative impact on the standard of living of herders.
S.Lambaa: Soum managing officials are irresponsible
Local residents complained about the irresponsibility of soum managing officials and the quantity and quality of their work. They say the construction of some buildings has been delayed, and those that are built are of poor quality. New schools and hospitals have not met standards. That is why he was asked to improve oversight of some organizations.
Ts.Sedvanchig: Herders still waiting for wool money
Countryside residents were interested in the wool and cashmere subsidies approved by the Government and Parliament in the spring session. Herders say they are still waiting to be paid for wool collected in June, and soum officials are implementing state policies too slowly.
D.Khayankhyarvaa: Support small- and medium-sized businesses
He said that he met with 470 citizens of three soums of Darkhan-Uul aimag, summarized their opinions and requests, and forwarded them to managing officials of the aimag and the Government.
Local residents requested more support for small- and medium-sized businesses, and complained that local officials have not provided enough information about such projects in the countryside. The MP said that he has sent an official note about their requests.