-Public awareness regarding the Energy and Environment Project is increasing, and people, who are involved in the project, are celebrating “Let’s give a clean air” day on every last Sunday of the month. So, how is the project progressing?
-MCA-Mongolia EEP was approved by Millennium Challenge Corporation on December 2009 and the Governments of both countries signed the Millennium Challenge Compact amendment on February 2nd of 2010. The project’s primary goal is to reduce Ulaanbaatar city’s air pollution. Analysis shows that most of the pollution is produced in ger districts. People are exploiting various kinds of stoves and burning different types of fuel including crude coal, used tires, and waste, which pushes the pollution level to catastrophic degree. Therefore, the EEP is implemented in ger districts and is providing consumer subsidies for energy efficient products. The EEP is working to improve the usage and the adaptation of energy efficient products in livelihood of ger district households. The complete ger insulation is offered to families that live gers, the market price of the complete ger insulation is around 700’000-900’000 MNT. MCA-Mongolia EEP is subsidizing two thirds of the market price to consumers. As a result, consumers are paying only 300’000 MNT for the products. Most importantly we are offering energy efficient products that have met set standards of quality and/or otherwise demonstrated a superior efficiency over previous models. In addition, consumers have a variety of choice from 12 types of energy efficient products and flexible prices. Consequently, people can make a choice from different ger insulation packages and etc.
-Everyone is upset by the air pollution and its by-products like viral deceases and etc. Unfortunately, the residents themselves burn various waste and produce poisonous smoke, don’t they?
-The EEP is not only limited to the subsidization and distribution of the energy efficient products, but also provides informative materials regarding the reduction of the air pollution to people and directs people to make a difference. Frankly speaking, people use various kinds of material in house construction and insulation and install various stoves with different specifications. And they burn anything. From different angle, we are producing the poison that will kill us. Therefore, the EEP has public relations and marketing contractor that organizes various events that showcase the importance of everybody’s role in fight with the air pollution. What is the energy efficiency? What do you have to do to be energy efficient? How to insulate your ger efficiently? All these questions are answered during the events. As a result the residents are joining to do their part in reduction of the air pollution and are marching together to provide a clean air to everybody. Also, people clearly understand that by properly utilizing the energy efficient products they can save some household budget. A resident of Chingeltei district’s 12th khoroo, who participated in field test, stated that comparing to the previous year he consumed only half of the fuel by installing the ger insulation. Of course, he must have used the saved money for different better purpose. The reduction of the heat leakage from gers results in less consumption of the coal. Consequently, the omission of smoke is reduced and people clear understand that.
-Last winter in Chingeltei district’s 2 khoroos the energy efficient stoves were field tested. Can you please share the results of the test?
-Every family that participated in the field test has a positive experience with the energy efficient stoves. Less coal is used, more heat is generated. There is almost 100 percent combustion, thus there is almost no smoke. The coal odor is gone. Most importantly people understand their social responsibility and role in reduction of the air pollution by utilizing the energy efficient stoves and ger insulations. In addition, they are accepting that the energy efficient products save money and household budget. The field test was a success. Consequently, the project is expanding from 2 khoroos of 1 district to 48 khoroos of 5 districts. Ulaanbaatar city’s 2009 statistics show that 96’000 households live in these 48 khoroos of 5 districts and all these households can be affected by the project. In Ulaanbaatar 160 thousand families live in ger districts, the EEP is aiming to reach 50 percent of the families and households, who lives in ger district, by distributing the energy efficient products and to reduce the air pollution by 30 percent.
-Extensive amount of money was spent in order to reduce the air pollution. Lots of smokeless stoves, coal, and fuel were distributed without any real result. The air pollution still remained.
-EEP did thorough research to ensure the effectiveness of the project. Now we are offering quality energy efficient products with discounted rate based on the results of the tests that were executed on energy efficient products, analysis on consumers market, laboratory tests, and research on cost-effective benefits. As of today, the EEP is offering “Selenge” Construction’s ”Ulzii” and “Khas” stoves that are imported from Turkey and “Royal Ocean” company’s “Dul” and “Golomt” stoves.
-People are very interested in the energy efficient stoves? How much of subsidy is exactly provided by the EEP?
-MCA-Mongolia EEP is providing 44-77 percent subsidy to the energy efficient stoves or in terms of MNT 209’000-250’000. “Selenge” construction’s energy efficient stove “Ulzii”s market price is 325’000 MNT. EEP is subsidizing 77 percent of the market price, and the stove’s price is cut to 74’300 MNT. In addition, in order to increase citizens’ participation in reduction of the air pollution, Government of Mongolia made a resolution to give incentives. In accordance with the resolution, a resident, who buys the energy efficient stove, gets an incentive of 50’000 MNT. In other words, initially priced 325’000 MNT “Ulzii” stove’s final price is 24’300 MNT. People can buy the energy efficient stoves two to three times cheaper than regular stoves. These energy efficient stoves almost do not produce smoke. A regular stove needs to be fired at least 4 to 5 times a day, whereas the energy efficient “Ulzii” and “Khas” stoves require only 2 to 3 firing. Also, these stoves can heat the house for 8-10 hours by one bucket of coal. There are many positive qualities like durability, appearance, guaranteed for 2 years, and etc. The smoke production of these stoves is 80-90 percent less than the regular stoves. There is small loom of smoke and no more, probably you have seen it during the demonstration of the products in the opening ceremonies of the product distribution ger centers in various districts. In the bottom line, consumers are very interested in these energy efficient stoves.
-Does it mean people can buy the energy efficient stoves in 80 percent discounted rate? Are there any additional expenses or payments?
-MCA-Mongolia and the Government of Mongolia are providing the subsidies for the energy efficient stoves, and the price is always in drastically discounted rate. Nevertheless, the chimney price is separate. A single part of the chimney costs 5’000 MNT. A regular ger that consists from 4-5 walls requires “Ulzii” stove with 4 to 6 parted chimney. Thus, the additional expense will be 20’000-30’000 MNT. In case of houses, it depends on installation and the cost can vary from 15’000-35’000 MNT.
-How to get involved in EEP?
-We have established product distribution ger centers in khoroos where the project is implemented. Registered residents of the particular khoroos can get complete information regarding the energy efficient products from those ger centers and they can order the product after paying the required portion of the payment in closest Khas bank branch. Moreover, if the resident doesn’t have enough financial resources, then he or she can get the discounted consumer loan from “Khas” bank. After the resident orders the energy efficient stove, the stove distributing company will deliver and install the energy efficient stove. Safety usage and consumer manual will be introduced and taught. Also, the company gives 2 year guarantee.
– When somebody buys the energy efficient stove, the one has to give in his/her old stove. Why they have to surrender their old stoves?
-We are trying to make the project as effective as possible. There were other projects that replaced for free the old in-efficient stoves. Nevertheless, there was tendency that citizens re-used their old stoves for different purposes. In other words, family with one chimney became a family with two chimneys. Air pollution did not reduce. Therefore, a household is required to give in the old stove, when they buy the new energy efficient stove. Most importantly, in order to combat with the air pollution, we must learn to use the energy efficient products properly and efficiently. That is why, when somebody buys the energy efficient stove thanks to the USA and Mongolian tax payers, one should give in the old stove. I am very confident that people understand their social responsibility when they give in their old stoves. They are getting rid of the tool that produced poisonous smoke that spread decease and polluted everything around. It is time for everyone to utilize smokeless energy efficient stoves and live in healthier environment.
-The project is and will be implemented in 48 khoroos of 5 districts. But the demand is more. Every household is trying to spend less in coal and fuel, and wishing to buy the energy efficient products.
-After thorough research of causes of the pollution, the project plan was developed in order to achieve and get a real result in the shortest duration of time. Firstly, the restriction area was established considering laws and regulations of reducing the air pollution. In restriction area, the crude coal usage was prohibited, thus smokeless energy sources, electricity and natural gas were to be used in restriction area. EEP is executed in the restriction area. Additionally, the project will be and is implemented in the areas that have high population density and produce extensive amount of smoke and carbon.
-The Energy and Environment Project is, also, providing consumer subsidies for energy efficient houses. How many households, so far, got involved in this?
-EEP is offering 4 types of energy efficient products: ger insulations, vestibules, energy efficient stoves, and houses. Certainly, one of the products is the energy efficient house. These energy efficient houses are very comfortable, have all necessary utilities, can be exploited for 50 years, resist 7-8 magnitude earthquake, have fire safety pre-cautions, are heated with less fuel, and are constructed with good quality materials. EEP is providing 5 million MNT consumer subsidies to interested individuals. In addition, UNDP’s “Building Energy Efficiency” project is developing and preparing the blue prints of the houses for free. Moreover, the individual can get a discounted loan from “Khas” bank. This around 30 households made their order to build energy efficient houses.
Thank you Mr. Mangal for your time and let us leave the end of the interview to you.
Every single lung in the city is affected by the air pollution. From the President of Mongolia to the every citizen in UB, we are breathing not an air, but carbon and more. Even a child in the womb of a mother is inhaling the polluted air, and our future generation is getting poisoned. Despite the difference of interest, income, profession the citizens of Ulaanbaatar are together in single desire to live in a healthy city with a clean air. Every one’s contribution is needed in order to overcome and solve this problem, let us all come together and march toward the better living, where there is a healthy environment for our children, a clear blue sky above all, and a cool breeze that refreshes everything in its path. There is a full potential for every household to live warm spending less and to change the consumption positively.