– A large number of children attend private kindergartens. What are the requirements for private kindergartens?
– A kindergarten teacher must have a bachelor’s degree and a professional degree.
– What about kindergarten licenses? How are they granted?
– The number of kindergarten-aged children has been increasing. And there are many reasons for that. For instance, an increase in domestic migration and a rising birthrate. There should only be about 25 children in a pre-school class. But now it is normal to have more than 40. That’s bad. It puts more pressure on the teacher and makes it harder for the children to learn. Therefore the City Education Department developed rules that both state and private kindergartens must follow. There is a standard program for study. And a kindergarten license is issued only with the approval of the City Education Department. The decision is based on staff training, financial background, property conditions, study materials, play areas for children, etc. The state covers the cost of all children’s lunches in both state and private kindergartens.
– Is there a possibility that the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science or the City Education Department will set a limit or cut back on the payments to private kindergartens?
– The City Education Department does not regulate the payments to private kindergarten. The School Board sets the amount.