A Russian research team recently came to Ulaanbaatar to test
buildings for earthquake safety. The researchers were led by G. I. Tatkov, of the
Russian Scientific Institute, and L. P. Berjinskay, an expert in
earthquake-proof construction who had previously worked in Mongolia. They came
at the invitation of Mayor G.
Munkhbayr to examine buildings, determine their ability to withstand
earthquakes, and enter the information in a database. The researchers inspected
five apartment buildings in Bayngol district, nine in Baynzurkh district, and one
in Chingeltei district. They analyzed each building with special equipment. The
results of their inspections will be released in about 45 days, after they
finish analyzing the data they collected.
The visit is part of a wider effort by
officials in Mongolia to inspect apartment buildings for earthquake readiness.
More inspections by Russian and Mongolian scientists are planned. Each building
will be graded according to its projected ability to withstand varying
magnitudes of earthquakes. In all some 2,460 buildings are to be examined.