B.Baasankhuu explains new student grant program - News.MN

B.Baasankhuu explains new student grant program

Old News! Published on: 2011.08.16

B.Baasankhuu explains new student grant program

Just before Naadam, Parliament passed a law that grants qualifying students in Mongolian universities MNT 70,000 per month. Some are questioning whether such grants are appropriate. Others worry the new grants will prompt the Government to reduce or eliminate the MNT 500,000 that students already receive annually. These issues were discussed in an interview with B.Baasankhuu, the Head of the Department of Education at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

– It is been more than a month since the law was passed. When will the Government start implementing it?

– The law was passed just before Naadam, and it will take effect on January 1, 2012. We have to discuss several issues before the law is implemented. The issue of financing will be discussed during the autumn session of Parliament. The Government still must approve a couple of resolutions. We are working on this.

– Which kind of issues need to be resolved by the resolutions?

– For example, whether foreign students will be eligible for the grants or not, how we should arrange the monthly payments, etc.

– Many students want to know if the MNT 500,000 they already receive annually will still be distributed next year. Can you answer that question?

– People should understand that the MNT 500.000 from the Human Development Fund is a separate issue. According to the minister’s statement, that money will be granted in 2012.

-In accordance with the new law, will there be any other changes in student scholarships, grants, or allowances?

– Certain students currently qualify for fee allowances, such as orphans, the children of civil servants, and children whose parents are herders or are extremely poor. This is a type of social welfare, and these allowances may be eliminated. It is best to give grants to the best students, so the students who study most will benefit. This is the healthy system.

– Will it be possible to give MNT 70,000 to every student?

– Every student is eligible to receive the money. But the most important thing is to give the money to those students who study well. However the resolutions have not been approved yet.

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