The demand is growing that a
special session of Parliament should be held to discuss the draft investment
agreement on Tavantolgoi without delay and both the DP and MPP groups in
Parliament are considering asking MPs in their countryside electoral districts
to return to Ulaanbaatar. However, such a discussion can be held only after the
National Security Council ratifies the draft prepared by the Government.
Five MPs — L. Gantumur,
Su.Batbold, G.Bayarsaikhan, D.Gankhuyag and R.Amarjargal — have told Uls Turiin
Toim newspaper that an early discussion and decision is needed as the issue is
too important to wait until the Autumn session.
They also think only an exclusive session can do justice to the various
issues involved. Amarjargal feels MPs should be given adequate time to prepare themselves
for a proper discussion.