Some fuel from Russia is on the
way following the 15th meeting of the Mongolia-Russia
intergovernmental commission in Ulaan-Ude from June 29 to July 1 that was
focused on economic issues and petroleum supply from Russia. The meeting
discussed economic cooperation, especially joint ventures in energy and in
uranium exploitation, improvement of customs services, and also issues related
to agriculture, transportation, construction, and infrastructure.
The Mongolioan team at the talks
was led by First Deputy Prime Minister
N.Altankhuyag and included Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy
D.Zorigt, Ambassador to Russia D.Idevkhten, Consul at Ulaan-Ude L.Javzmaa, Deputy
Minister for Food, Agriculture and Light Industry J.Saule, and officials from
the General Customs Office, the State Specialized Inspecting Agency, the
Veterinary Board, the Nuclear Energy Authority, the Mineral Resources and
Petroleum Authority, and the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and
I. E. Levitin, head of the
Russian side of the commission, led that country’s team, assisted by, among
others, Deputy Minister for Road and Transportation A. N. Nedasekov, and E. N.
Popov and I. Z. Azizov, Administration Chiefs at the Economic Development and
the Foreign Relations Ministry respectively.
It was decided to develop
collaboration between the Russian and Mongolian Chambers of Commerce and
Industry. Mongolian Business Centers will be set up in Moscow, Irkutsk and
Ulaan-Ude to increase sale of Mongolian goods. There was stress on need to
expand regional cooperation and Altankhuyag met with Mongolians in Ulaan-Ude
after the meeting.