N.Enkhbayr: MPRP will participate in parliament election - News.MN

N.Enkhbayr: MPRP will participate in parliament election

Old News! Published on: 2011.06.28

N.Enkhbayr: MPRP will participate in parliament election

Г. Нэргүй

MPRP newly registered as a political party by
the supreme court  made an announcement
yesterday.  A few months of  issue related to get that name was decided on
last Friday.
Our journalist talked to N. Enkhbayr, the head
of MPRP about this issue.

-MPRP has been registered
officially. Due to this event MPRP made an announcement.  But 
MPP leaders say that MPRP is not the party which has history of 90
years. So which of two parties do own 
those years of history ?

-It is absurd to own history. History of MPRP
would be everyone`s own. But  the people
who want to own that history show who they are. According to the new
constitution every party has to be registered in state registration since 1990.
One thing I want to say is  every
Mongols  has to own that history which
goes back 90 years of MPRP. The history of MPRP belongs to m
y grandfather, also your
grandfather  and our old generation.

-Election draft law is the
hottest topic during current session. 
Which system do you support ?

-It is natural that everything changes. I am changing too.  But I want to say that some of my copartners
are changing in wrong way.
I was thinking there must be only
two main political  forces divided into
the right and left for a while. I was working for that.
But today those two political forces got under a
blanket  and not able to control each
other. They violate civils` rights and interests.
There are still some issues
to make clear lawbreaker of 1st of July riot in 2008 and to change
Ouytolgoi  project. Current government is like
dictatorial.  In my point of view the
mixed election system would be right.

-Is there a legal rule to let
MPP to appeal the supreme court, Constitutional Court, and Judge general on a
issue about the name of MPRP?

-It is not possible since MPRP has been
registered officially in state registration. If problems arise those will be
worked out  in the legal process.
According to an article 8.7 in political party law
 it is illegal 
to any organization or official to make pressure, intervene to a
Mongolian citizen who establish a party.

-How MPRP will participate in
next  parliament election ? Maybe it is
too early to ask so ?

– As a political force we will participate in
parliament election. But it is too early to detail about it. We will work to be the first
party as public  sees it. In our program we included a plan to “build human resource fund.”  Creative,
qualified youth will be our next generation.

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