D.Oyunkhorol, MP from Zavkhan aimag, received the Secretaries of Civil Representatives Assemblies in 24 soums of the aimag on Wednesday and gave them an idea of what the Government would do with the MNT 10.5 billion it wants to spend in the aimag this year. There will be two new schools, one new kindergarten, an office building, a theater, a hospital with 30 beds, a maternity hospital with 50 beds, four km of roads, and a Governor’s Office in Otgon soum.
She also told them that the Government has decided to build a power plant under the concession law in Telmen soum to supply energy to residents of Zavkhan and Gobi-Altai aimags. True development is achieved only when every citizen earns enough for comfortable living and she asked the visitors to work for employment generation in their local settlements and soums.