A panel discussing the selection of judges wanted the present system of nomination by the president to end. Every vacancy will be filled after applications are received and applicants are tested for not just their knowledge of law, but also for ethics and working skill. Participants also wanted the Professional Council of Judges to have 30 members, said leader of discussion P.Erdenejargal.
Another panel discussed protection of rights of victims and witnesses, and wanted more security for them. It also discussed how the service of some NGOs can be used, compensation is to be paid for psychological damage, and proper payment for legal service, said B.Urantsooj, Director of the Center for Human Rights and Development.
B.Lkhagvajav led the panel discussing the work of prosecutors’ organizations. It said prosecutors should be more transparent, and an end is to be put to the common practice of passing the harshest sentence on poor people for some minor offence while lightly letting off high officials who embezzle large sums of state money. There is not a single prosecutor with the degree of Doctor of Law and the general level of legal knowledge among prosecutors is low. The law on protection of public property is often vague and ambiguous. There were suggestions that this be made a separate section altogether.
The panel on police work felt the police need a change of mindset as also more modern technological equipment. There should be more coordination among various organizations when dealing with drug-related and human trafficking cases, said D.Oyunchimeg, Deputy Chief of the General Customs Office.