Deputy Prime Minister M.Enkhbold and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade G.Zandanshatar met with Japanese Ambassador T.Kidokoro at the Embassy on March 12 evening to offer their condolence at the death and devastation caused by the earthquake and the tsunami. They also told him of the Government decision, taken at an emergency meeting earlier in the day, to offer USD1 million to relief efforts and to send a 30-member rescue team from the National Emergency Commission and between 200 and 300 troops to the affected areas. 2,500 woolen blankets were sent to Japan on March 13.
The Government has appealed to all to donate to the Japanese relief efforts. Employees at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the National Emergency Commission, and the State Specialized Inspecting Agency will donate their salary for 2 days and those in all other state organizations will donate one day’s salary.
All Mongolians in the disaster zone will be taken out of there free by the Government.