Our reporter took information on this. Chief of the Professional Education Training Authority N.Byambasuren says “Students got stipend, meal and bus expenses by Oyutolgoi’s 2010 finance. Total of 2340 students were registered to study in 40 PTC in 18 professions. Total expense was accounted by MNT650 thousand. Besides, we have ordered 30 equipments for welding courses and will deliver them to schools within January. Other facilities will also be provided before practical training.”
N.Altankhuyag criticizes that the training facility renewing is taking longer than expected and notes that facilities should meet contemporary requirements and graduate students should have ability to work in all types of techniques.
Director of Mongolian-Korean Technical College N.Lhagvaa says “40 students came to study in the second turn training to our school. There are only 27 that are attending schools and some of students have more interests to the stipend rather than to acquire professional knowledge. It is significant to train who is interested in studies”