The Millennium Challenge Found (MCF) yesterday handed over altogether 16
GPS equipment worth MNT1billion to the Ministry of Road, Transportation,
Building and Urban Planning. Of these, 6 are permanent stations able to
determine locations from satellites, 4 of which would be installed in
Ulaanbaatar, and one each in Darkhan and Erdenet cities. Two GPS each will go
to some regional centers.
The equipment will help prepare a cadastral map of ger districts, to be used to
record land possession.
GPS equipment worth MNT1billion to the Ministry of Road, Transportation,
Building and Urban Planning. Of these, 6 are permanent stations able to
determine locations from satellites, 4 of which would be installed in
Ulaanbaatar, and one each in Darkhan and Erdenet cities. Two GPS each will go
to some regional centers.
The equipment will help prepare a cadastral map of ger districts, to be used to
record land possession.