Deputy Speaker and Chief of
the Redressal Commission (RC), N.Enkhbold, yesterday opened a research
conference to mark the 20th anniversary of the RC and noted there is much more
to be studied about “the historically difficult period of repression when many
innocent citizens were victimized on grounds of ideology, religion, origin, and
social status”. They were made to suffer in various ways, some of which led to
death. He called for a more comprehensive study of the entire phenomenon of
political repression in Mongolia.
The Secretary of the RC, O.Lkhagvarentsen, presented a report of their work and
achievements in the last two decades and their plans for the future. The redressal
work began in April, 1939 and 30,000 citizens have been rehabilitated, 25,500
of then since the RC was established. The work continues as many documents are
not accessible and many claims cannot be confirmed. The RC is considering how
to resolve pending cases where documentary evidence is unlikely to be
available. These include cases of Mongolian citizens e arrested and taken to
the then Soviet Union, all papers relating to whom are in Russian archives.
The Director of the Research Center under the RC, Ch.Dashdavaa, explained how
the center collects biographical material on the victims of political
the Redressal Commission (RC), N.Enkhbold, yesterday opened a research
conference to mark the 20th anniversary of the RC and noted there is much more
to be studied about “the historically difficult period of repression when many
innocent citizens were victimized on grounds of ideology, religion, origin, and
social status”. They were made to suffer in various ways, some of which led to
death. He called for a more comprehensive study of the entire phenomenon of
political repression in Mongolia.
The Secretary of the RC, O.Lkhagvarentsen, presented a report of their work and
achievements in the last two decades and their plans for the future. The redressal
work began in April, 1939 and 30,000 citizens have been rehabilitated, 25,500
of then since the RC was established. The work continues as many documents are
not accessible and many claims cannot be confirmed. The RC is considering how
to resolve pending cases where documentary evidence is unlikely to be
available. These include cases of Mongolian citizens e arrested and taken to
the then Soviet Union, all papers relating to whom are in Russian archives.
The Director of the Research Center under the RC, Ch.Dashdavaa, explained how
the center collects biographical material on the victims of political